Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Name for My Blog?

Remember when I wrote in a blog entry several months ago that I was NOT moving - "I repeat NOT NOT NOT moving"?

Well, it looks like Tennessee may be our new home. After much discussion, many tears, and quite a few tantrums (and that's just Donald we're talking about) I think we've decided that our family needs to be together in Tennessee. Even if Donald was to retire in a year or so, it would be financially tight living in our house in MN unless I got a full-time real job (which I'm not going to do).

So, if we live in Tennessee, how can I have a blog called Whites in Minnesota? I'll need to add a tag line that says "...the southern version" or " with more fiber" or something funny like that. :-)

The move isn't happening right NOW but we are making plans. The realtor is coming next Wednesday to take a look at the house and Nicholas and I will be going down to TN the middle of April to see what kind of place we can find to rent; house, condo, apartment. We'll put off buying anything for a year until we know where we might want to live down there. This will also make it a lot easier to move if we don't have to worry about coming up with money to put down on a house. We'll take a loss on the house up here, but hopefully not too much of a loss. Hopefully.


Grandma Jan said...

No, you cannot move! And that's final. I don't care how much Donals cries.
G Zan

Melissa said...

I feel your pain. But it'll give you somewhere else to visit when you're driving around the country!