Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No, my husband isn't for sale!

No luck yet on selling the house. But it's only been a month since we listed it, so we have to be patient. Of course, this past Saturday was Nicholas' 6th Birthday party and we told the Real Estate Agency that we couldn't have showings during a certain time frame. Wouldn't you know it! We had three showing requests that had to be turned down that afternoon! One group showed up anyway (apparently that Realtor doesn't check his messages) and they had a nice look at our house, toys scattered, laptops out on the dining room table, birthday party decor in the family room. Wow, what an impression we must have made! Pics of the birthday party will be posted at a later date!
My friend, Jan, took some pics of our "for sale" sign last week. In one, she got my husband standing next to the sign. Jan insisted that I put the pic on my blog, so here you go Jan! Just a reminder: the house is for sale, NOT the husband...although if the price is right, a deal might be made. Ha! :-)