Friday, January 16, 2009

Numb & Number

My title today is stolen (or should I say borrowed) from my favorite weather guy, Paul Douglas. (Note to WCCO in Minneapolis: The dumbest thing you ever did was let Paul Douglas go. I still haven't forgiven you for that!) The Paul Page talks about how froggin' cold it's been here in Minnesota. You people out east don't know the meaning of the word cold until you have three straight days (or has it been more than that?) when the high for the day has been in the negative. As Paul says in his entry:
Numb & Number
Theoretical question: can you feel any colder than numb? Thursday was, in all probability, the coldest day of the year with a low of -21 and a “high” of -6 F. Here’s a virtual high five – you just survived/endured the coldest day in 5 years. You made it. Think about that – most schools were open, people went to work, mail got delivered, people shopped, worked out, went about their business. Anywhere else in America they would have declared martial law and activated the National Guard. Here in Minnesota we just shrug our (frostbitten) shoulders and mutter “no big deal.” Having the sun out helped; have you noticed daylight is on the increase? In 2 weeks the average temperature starts to RISE again, for the first time since August...
Crazy me, I'm waiting for that really big snow storm. The kind we got in central New York state that dumped a good 1-2 feet of snow and it took days to dig out of. Now that is what I call winter!

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