Friday, January 30, 2009

Leave Jessica Alone!

This is one of those blog entries where I would love to use profanity. So, let's get started, shall we? What the hell is going on in this country? Jessica Simpson's photo has been plastered all over the magazines, entertainment shows, and talk shows showing her having gained approximately 5.2 pounds. Could be more, could be less, but apparently she's now considered to be fat! As if young girls and grown women alike don't already have self-esteem issues, now the media is saying that Jessica Simpson is FAT. If she's considered fat, then sign me up! I recently rejoined Weight Watchers - I'm a Lifetime Member who has slipped back into bad eating habits - and this makes me wonder why I bother. Some of you may remember photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt in magazines a year or two ago showing her with a "fluffy" backside in her bikini. She's a size 0 for God's sake! What kind of froggin' ice-holes think that JLH and JS are fat??!!

Harvey Pasternak, Hollywood trainer and author of The 5 Factor Diet, tells Extra the star is healthy:

Harvey, who worked with Jessica during the filming of Major Movie Star in 2007, maintains that, “She has curves where a woman needs to have curves. We all go a little bit up and a little bit down. But she’s healthy. She’s still sexy. She’s still a beautiful woman. And I have no problem with the way she looks. I think if more people looked the way she looks now, the country would be a lot healthier.”

Here are some comments (just as they were written) posted regarding Harvey's defense of Jessica:
  • "When did “curves” become a nice way of saying fat rolls? She has rolls spilling over her mom-jeans. I don’t care what most fat lazy American stay at home moms think, fat rolls spilling out of clothing will never be hot."
  • "I’m not sure a size 12 is “healthy”…"
  • "I think she looks perfectly fine. The bone is for the boy the meat is for the man. She looks about a size 8 whatever idiot that claims 12 is not healthy apparently never knew Marilyn Monroe was a size 14."
  • "Jessica looks beautiful. So what if she put on some weight..."
  • "I don’t think she’s fat over even overweight, she’s just not skinny anymore and what she’s wearing is very unflattering..."
  • "15lbs less and shed be perfect, but if shes happy so be it. happy does not equal healthy though..."
Now, all you "fat lazy American stay at home moms" out there: What do you think? Should we all get really obese and then sit on everyone who pisses us off? I say, bring on the donuts!

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