Friday, February 27, 2009

Full Speed Ahead!

My father-in-law was right: I just needed to make up my mind that we are moving and then go ahead with it. I'm busy working on an email to my clients (hard job) and trying to figure out what areas I need to get spiffy before we list the house. I'm a big planner, so once I have a plan in my head I'm ready to get to work. Now that I've finally made the decision that moving is what we need to do, I don't want to sit around and think about it. I want to DO.


Sarah Bev said...

Oh my goodness! Well at least the hard part of making the decision is over, well, one of the hard parts. Good luck with all of the changes! We'll really miss all of you!!!

Melissa said...

I'll miss all of you too! But I have FB now and, with Grandma Jan's blog, I'll always know what you all are up to! :-)

Becca said...

Wait a second!! You're moving?! Where??

Melissa said...

Where have you been? :-) I guess we've decided to move to TN although at this moment I don't know why - my husband is being a royal PITA. ;-)