Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars 2009: What a Night!

Even though I wasn't feeling well (sore throat and all) I made it through the entire show! With TiVo, I was running behind "live TV" for most of it, but caught up near the end. It ran over by about 35 minutes, but it was worth it! Hugh Jackman did such a great job, he needs to host every year. I knew he'd be good, but MAN was he good. The only thing I recommend is that next year he does it without his shirt on. I mean, come on, it can only make the show even better! ;-)

My picks for this year's top six categories weren't too bad. I got four out of the top six correct (I missed Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress categories) and, overall, I got 16 correct out of all 24 categories! My best ever! The Winners were: Best Supporting Actress - Penelope Cruz; Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger; Best Actress - Kate Winslet; Best Actor - Sean Penn; Best Director - Danny Boyle; and Best Movie - Slumdog Millionaire.

Movie critic Roger Ebert only missed one out of the top six (he picked Viola Davis to win for Best Supporting Actress) and movie critic Richard Roeper nailed it right on the head when he made this prediction on the Chicago Sun-Times website:
"Mark my words, or mock my words. "Slumdog Millionaire" will take home eight Oscars, "Benjamin Button" will win a handful of technical awards, Heath Ledger is the biggest lock of the night and Kate Winslet will win for the wrong role in the wrong movie."
Richard Roeper got 21 correct out of all 24 categories! Wow! I'm impressed. Of course, he gets to see every movie, every short, long, medium, and foreign film out there. I'm jealous, really.

The comedy routine by Seth Rogan and James Franco, while sitting on a couch watching clips from some of the comedic films of the year (along with a few serious films which their characters considered to be comedies but weren't) was hysterical! I loved the musical number Hugh did at the beginning, and Anne Hathaway taking part in it was wonderful! They need to do a musical together right now. And, although other bloggers have been quoted as saying it made their "ears bleed," I actually enjoyed the musical number Hugh (along with Beyonce) did about musicals. Maybe the academy will eventually create a category just for musicals! Woo-hoo!

I especially enjoyed the way they presented the top acting categories this year. Instead of showing a scene from each nominee, and having the award presented by the winner of the award (from the opposite sex) from last year; i.e., the Best Actor from last year presenting the Best Actress award this year, etc. - they had five previous winners present the award for this year's winner. Shirley MacLaine's introduction of Anne Hathaway in the Best Actress category was beautiful; something I'm sure Anne Hathaway will treasure even more than being nominated!

The acceptance of Heath Ledger's award by his parents and sister, on behalf of his little girl, Matilda, was very emotional. We all knew he was going to win and we all knew it was going to be emotional. They weren't emotional, but I was!

Please share your thoughts about this year's Oscars, if you stayed up late enough to catch it all or if you were bored and went to sleep early, and let me know if there's anything from the awards that you found especially entertaining, touching, or simply weird. If you'd like to watch some behind-the-scenes footage from the Oscars, check out their website. And forgive me if my post today seems a bit scattered and poorly put together ,but I'm lucky to actually be awake and thinking even this clearly this morning! In fact, I've edited this post twice since first publishing it this morning...See you next year!


Grandma Jan said...

I did love the Oscars this year -- The editing of clips, the presentations (introductions) by past Oscar winners, the skits, the interaction with the nominees in the front rows -- it was really a great production. I really enjoyed it even though the only movie I saw this year was 'The Dark Knight'. Great Entertainment!

Melissa said...

You and Bill definitely need to get out and see some movies! A lot of them aren't even playing nearby anymore, but Slumdog is. Make sure you check out the new theatre in Burnsville!