Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bird Seed & The Critters Who Live in My Car!

The bird food has been moved, the critters are being caught and released into a new location, yet I still have evidence that something is possibly living in my car! Two nights ago, something chewed a hole in the sandwich bag holding some soft training treats for Gracie; then, when I was looking in my trunk to make sure nothing was in there, I find one of those treats in another bag that I forgot to zip closed. Ewww! I think the critters are living in my car!!

Donald put the 'live' trap (with a cracker & some peanut butter in it) in the trunk last night and caught two little critters; one of which had "expired" as he puts it. Poor thing. But I'm at the point where I'm thinking "one less critter to worry about." I asked him why he thought the little guy had expired and Donald's answer was, "I don't know...maybe he has an allergy to peanut butter." I have been parking in the driveway until we get the garage cleared of critters; however, it doesn't seem to matter where I park if the things are living in there!

Hopefully we (meaning Don) have caught the fellas that have been living in my car and maybe things will return to normal. I will make sure I don't have any food in my car from now on, that's for sure, whether it's for me or the dogs!

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