What kind of person reads blogs? And what kind of person has a blog? I didn't used to be one of "those people" who had a blog, but recently decided that it might be kind of fun. I have read blogs in the past - mostly blogs about my favorite TV shows, written by TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, or People correspondents. Now I read other people's blogs - both friends and strangers. Some blogs are interesting, some blogs are weird, and some blogs I'd rather never come across again. But that's what blogging is all about, right? If you surf the blogs like I do (click on the Next Blog link at the top of this page) then you might come across a blog that you'd like to follow. I have a friend who says that she doesn't read blogs, she doesn't have a blog, and she isn't interested in reading about my experience with mice & bird seed or about my new microwave. She said if it was family, she might read the blog to keep up on things, but I'm not family. That hurt my feelings. I have lots of friends, some of which I consider family. In fact, I'd probably rather read their blogs than those of my family....if anyone in my family had a blog. So, what kind of "blog" person are you? Are you a regular blog reader? Do you read blogs for entertainment? Do you read blogs written by celebs?
Long time no see!
10 years ago
I am really enjoying this blog faze. I must admit I have my favs - family and friends. I love to read updates every week and it's a fun way to keep in touch with others.
A fellow blogger and proud of it!
I'm kinda nosy, so by reading blogs, I get to keep up with everyone's business! LOL Friends or family, they are the same to me. My friends are members of my family. Perhaps even more special because I get to choose them!
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